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BTC - BRC-20 Inscription Tx Count


The Bitcoin BRC-20 Inscription Transaction Count shows how many commit outputs and reveal transactions occur for each time period. Inscription data is stored in the reveal transaction.

There is often a delay between commit and reveal, which is usually not more than a few blocks or hours.

Bitcoin's USD Market Price is included for reference.


for each block in blockchain:
  block.reveal_tx := count(block.tx[].is_reveal)
  block.commit_o := count(block.tx[].output[].is_commit)
  (x,y1) := (block.time, block.reveal_tx)
  (x,y2) := (block.time, block.commit_o)

for each hour in blockchain:
  (x,y1) := (hour, sum(blockchain[hr_start:hr_end].reveal_tx))
  (x,y2) := (hour, sum(blockchain[hr_start:hr_end].commit_o))

for each day in blockchain:
  (x,y1) := (day, sum(blockchain[day_start:day_end].reveal_tx))
  (x,y2) := (day, sum(blockchain[day_start:day_end].commit_o))

Technical Info

Each BRC-20 inscription is created in two parts: A transaction containing a commit output is first made, followed by another (reveal) transaction which spends the commit output and has the inscription in its witness data. Our method for identifying commit transaction outputs is retroactive: once the reveal is done, the spent output is historically updated. Historical data for commit transactions and outputs is therefore able to change at any time in the future.

  • Hourly and daily aggregations are derived from block data using sum for this metric.
  • Hourly data contains occasional gaps; no blocks were generated during these times.


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